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Tackle Football & Cheer Registration WILL OPEN MAy 1st, 2024 FOR RETURNING ATHLETES


*New registrations for new families will open May 8, 2024

Registration closes on June 30, 2024 for all athletes!


For Boys and Girls ages 5-14 looking to develop their game, build friendships and have fun!


COST: $250 **  |   LPYF does NOT issue refunds.

Spartans Cheer or Football $150 **

Multi-child discount is available; 20% discount for each subsequent child(ren) (ex. $250 1st child > $200 2nd, 3rd & 4th). Coach, Team Parents AND Board member discounts are available.  PAYMENT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE DIRECTLY ON SPORTS ENGINE WHEN YOU REGISTER.

Cheerleaders that make the LP JV or Varsity team can get a full refund AFTER we receive proof of being selected to cheer for the High School squad. We want ALL kids to cheer & participate in cheerleading; High School try-outs are after we start practicing, don't miss out on your chance to be a Spartan because our registration deadline is 6/20/24!


Football practices start at the end of July, with games starting the last weekend of August and the season-ending in mid-October. Football practices are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6 pm to 8 pm at Richard F. Soluri Park.  Games are played at Blakeslee Field behind Lew-Port High School or at the opponent's field on Saturday or Sunday, with a possible Friday or Saturday night game, as determined by NEYSA (our governing agency). 


Cheer practice starts at the end of July and will be held 2-4 days per week at Richard Soluri Park.  After school starts, practices are reduced to 1-3/week will be held at TBD once weather is too cold to practice outside.  GAMES & COMPETITIONS ARE MANDATORY.



If you have an interest in becoming a cheer coach or assistant coach, kindly get in touch at  CHEERCOORDINATOR.LPYF@GMAIL.COM

If you are interested in assisting with coaching our tackle football program, kindly send an email to  COORDINATOR.LPYF@YAHOO.COM

 **A $100 volunteer service fee per family is being initiated this season because we CANNOT make this awesome organization work for our kids without help from our LPYF community, parents, and family members. It is fully refundable once 4 hours of volunteer work have been completed. If you are concerned about this cost, please contact  immediately. We have SEVERAL ways this can be met, including joining the Board now (a minimum of 2 year commitment is requested), assisting with obtaining sponsorships/baskets for our raffle, website design/social media, office help, etc. If you have a skill, we could use your help. If you have a medical background & have CPR training, we could use you for our medical staff after passing a background check & providing your certification. More traditional ways to earn your volunteer time is at football games on the sideline as chain-gang, announcers booth, volunteering at the spirit table or concessions booth.  We have an upcoming flag football tournament at Lew-Port June 8th & 9th that we need volunteers for...this can count towards your 2024 TACKLE or CHEER volunteer time! You can also send a representative (grandma, uncle, cousin, friend) to volunteer for you (just need to let us know in advance). Coaching & team parent also count towards this requirement.  The volunteer fee will be discounted at checkout for families with multiple athletes (it is per family not per child); be sure to register them at the SAME time in order for the discount to be applied automatically.